2013 - Jun 16 - Point Score GSR

Point Score Graded Scratch Races at Outer Harbor
Weather conditions:  Fine, 12.2C @ 10.00 am
Winds:   4km/h;  Wind Gusts:  74km/h
No. of competitors:   A (7); B (8); C (10; D (9); E (7); F (3)

Sprints of laps 1, 3 & final lap
Points awarded on each sprint - 1st=5pts, 2nd=3pts, 3rd=2pts, 4th=1pt

Special thanks to The Boathouse Tavern for their support in allowing us to use their facilities, and also for the 6 x $20 gift vouchers that were added to the winner's prizemoney.



A Grade - (50km)

1. John Kah (13 pts)

2. Simon Cooper (6 pts)

3. Malcolm Clasholm (5 pts)

4. Tony Kemp (5 Pts)

5. Martin Refermat (3 pts)

6. John Zoanetti (1 pt)

B Grade - (50km)

1. Russell Hodson (15 pts)

2. Michael Quirk (6 pts)

3. Matt Summers (4 pts)

4. Dave Anderson (3 pts)

5. Matt Stones (3 pts)

6. Vince Mankelow (2 pts)

C Grade - (50km)

1. Vin Kelly (8 pts)

2. Michael Worden (7 pts)

3. Greg Ford (6 pts)

4. Leo Breuglemans (5 pts)

5. Steve Kinder (3 pts)

6. Neil McKenzie (2 pts)

7. Brenton Thain (1 pt)

8. Dave Kanas (1 pt)

D Grade - (50km)

1. Michelle Apostolou (13 pts)

2. Rob Sturman (8 pts)

3. Rod Bihet (5 pts)

4. Tony Brennand (4 pts)

5. Joseph Hanuszewicz (2 pts)

6. Dave Nash (1 pt)

E Grade - (40km)

1. Ray Boyle (10 pts)

2. Adam Brown (10 pts)

3. Chas Maddern (7 pts)

4. Warren Wormald (4 pts)

5. Brian Hargreaves (2 pts)

 F Grade - (40km)

1. Lee Bakes (15 pts)

2. Kathy Jones (9 pts)

3. Nicola Edwards (2 pts)

Auto Raffle Winners: $20 Bicycle Express Vcher 

1  Mark Quirk

2  Brenton Thain